Sponsor a Session or Program
$60.00 - covers one individual music therapy session IN ANY HEALTH/MEDICAL/WELLNESS setting for an individual with special needs.
$60.00 - covers one group session with dementia/Alzheimer’s patients in the memory care unit. Assisted living facility activity directors in Springfield, MO love adding music therapy to the activity calendar each month!
$160.00 - sponsors an adult/child with special needs to participate in a 12-week performance group to work on leisure skills, social interaction, and self-esteem.
$220.00 - helps sensory-sensitive kids/adults engage in a small weekly music therapy
group to address communication, motor, social, and cognitive skills as well as activities of daily living skills.
$1,000.00 - ensures that a special education teacher is able to provide music therapy for students in self-contained or community-based instruction class settings for an ENTIRE SEMESTER!
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