About Us
our "why"
Music Therapy of the Ozarks was founded as a means to provide music therapy services to those who would benefit from but cannot afford them. Our board of directors had a vision for the accessibility and affordability of music therapy, which led us to where we are today! In order to give scholarships for music therapy services to those who apply, our nonprofit hosts and participates in annual fundraisers.

Who does this benefit?
Children with developmental and learning disabilities, adolescents or adults with substance abuse issues or behavioral/mental health needs, adults receiving geriatric or memory care from a skilled nursing facility, families with infants/young children, hospice patients, premature infants, patients in the hospital setting, and inter generational/wellness groups.

A closer look at a music therapy session
​Music therapy is the use of music to reach non-musical goals. Within a therapeutic relationship, a client is assessed, treated and evaluated using music interventions by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program.

To get an even closer look at the impact of music therapy, learn about JoeDull!
MEET JOE DULL: Joe is a Filmmaker (26 years), College Professor (18 years), Social Media Manager (4 years), Song-And-Dance Man (12 years), and Daddy (10 years and counting). He’s even won awards in two of those professions, and a “Best Dad Ever” grill apron for a third. Joe’s an editor, writer, director, audio guy, and decent enough camera operator. He’s also been paid as a colorist for multiple films, despite being pretty colorblind. The clients knew and hired him anyway. Joe’s that kind of guy.
His award-winning feature-length films “Table at Luigi’s” and “Sympathy Pains” have screened at theaters and festivals around the country. His work on social media has been seen by millions of people. And his films starring his kids are big hits with the in-laws.
Click Here to go to Joe's Website